Hydroponic smart indoor garden herb vegetable planting plant pot with submersible pump

A integrated smart hydroponic planter with LED grow light, water level indicator, pump and timer  ->Smart control remind you when lack of water->with built-in pump to support better growth->use new Hydroponics technology which is clean, convenient, safe, easy, do not need&nbs

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A integrated smart hydroponic planter with LED grow light, water level indicator, pump and timer 
->Smart control remind you when lack of water
->with built-in pump to support better growth
->use new Hydroponics technology which is clean, convenient, safe, easy, do not need too much 
care, Anyone can be a gardener, suitable for most  (90%) of the plants
->Grow light has a timer which is 16 hours on and + 8 hours off automatically cycle like this, no need to take care, auto on/off
*light height adjustable with plants growth
->2 big grow pods at 9.3cm diameter for bigger plants &  or 6 small pods for small plants for selection
->can start from seeds, no need propagating

Our LED grow light are with aluminum finish to insure long lifetime and low depreciation rate, it is important that the unit are used after half an year, the light may become defective or low lumen could not support good growth

Our LED grow light has lens over LED, insure double luminous up to 20W and looks premium

where to use: home, office, kitchen, school, restaurant
what to grow: herbs, flowers, vegetables
suitable for: kids, adults and the old, school education and good gift item

Size after set up: 29.5*15*38.5cm

Max Height could be 46cm if you like

Hydroponics Smart Indoor Garden Herb Vegetable Planter Plant Flower Pot with Submersible Pump

Hydroponics Smart Indoor Garden Herb Vegetable Planter Plant Flower Pot with Submersible Pump
Hydroponics Smart Indoor Garden Herb Vegetable Planter Plant Flower Pot with Submersible Pump

Hydroponics Smart Indoor Garden Herb Vegetable Planter Plant Flower Pot with Submersible Pump


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