Weddings in rural Texas include tractors and chainsaw series

2021-11-24 03:55:33 By : Mr. Robin Zheng

On November 6, walk into the reception space of Benjamin Till and Tricha Porter’s wedding in St. Mary's Parish Hall in String Prairie. The first clue to suggest that this will be a unique celebration is the pool table hall entrance below. Outside the pavilion. 

If guests don’t plan to play billiards before dinner, they can read through the multiple tables filled with Till antique chain saw series, or walk into the adjacent venue to watch the tractor show. 

Many of the tractors on display are from Teal’s personal collection, and some were borrowed from friends who belonged to the South Texas Wheel Spinning Machine and Crank Twisting Antique Farm Equipment Club. Speaking of tractors, Roy Baker is always ready to provide delicious homemade ice cream blended by his tractor-driven ice cream machine. And all this happened before the arrival of Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus.

Pat Baker, the groom’s cousin, and her husband Bill, dressed in the Clauss’ full dresses, took their sleighs and photographed in the background. 

"Bill and Pat joked that they can be Santa Claus at our wedding (they travel the state professionally and spread holiday joy every year)," Thiel said. "I thought about it and thought it would be perfect. This is helpful to my friends who have children. We hope to host many events for everyone."

It is not surprising that this young couple thinks about others, because Till is famous near Rockne and will reach out to the elderly or anyone in need. He was also an Eagle Scout and built a pavilion for the prayer garden of the Sacred Heart Church as one of his projects. 

The wedding took place in St. Mary’s Catholic Church and was presided over by Deacon Alvin Frerich. Music provided by Mark Lee, Steve Meuth, Nelda Thompson and Patsy Meuth. 

After the guests enjoyed the fried chicken steak meal of Alan Grohman and Circle G Catering, the bride and groom gave a heartfelt speech and thanked everyone for sharing on this special day. Till thanked his classmates from Texas State Technical College in eastern Texas, Florida and Utah, as well as his parents and aunt Tina Till for all their help at the wedding. 

The couple also pointed out the special cake decorations on the wedding cake, made by Shirley Ellis, including vintage decorations from the groom’s parents David and Charlene Till; grandparents , Alfred and Marianne; best friends, the late Jerome Henzen and his wife Shirley. Teal and Potter also have their own top hats, of course a pair on a tractor. 

A special gift is a handmade quilt with a rustic autumn country theme specially made by the groom's cousin Linda Masur for the couple. The quilt was displayed with the championship ribbon it won from the Rockdale Fair Association. Masur also wrote a very special dedication to complement it, including this insight: 

"Tricha and Benjamin, you chose each other because you have accepted each other's true colors. Over the years, you will encounter ups and downs and hardships-treat each as a hurdle in your adult life and move on. , Love each other. Remember the love and happiness of this day, pray, and keep working hard." 

Congratulations on your unique wedding, and best wishes to the very kind, generous and sincere couple. 

The 5th Annual Rockne Market Day will be held at Holtman Hall in Rockne from 9 am to 4 pm on November 27 

Market Day talented local vendors sell handmade crafts, including carpentry, jewelry, leather products, art, baked goods, hand-dyed fabrics, holiday items, canned food, metal courtyard art, antiques, and bargains. R and D Catering will sell sirloin tacos for breakfast and barbecue lunch plates. Contact or 512-988-0134 for more information, or visit its Facebook page