On Friday, the bulk of Austin area high schools kick off the 2022 football season, as defending state champs Westlake and state finalists Liberty Hill highlight a slate of more than 35 games. This year, the American-Statesman will bring you a weekly live blog with updates from all of Central T
Strawberry producers from the coasts of Huelva have been working in summer to prepare for the next strawberry campaign.
During the beginning of the summer period, producers remove the dry plants from the last season, fertilize the land with organic matter, and plow it several times. Then
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A few of the popular marketing trends that will fuel demand for walk-behind lawn mowers during the forecast period include the expanding use of green spaces and green roofs and the rising demand for alternative fuel sources.
Chicago, Aug. 26, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- According to Arizton
The Payne County Fairboard proudly presents Oklahoma Garden Tractor Pullers at the Payne County Expo Center Outdoor Arena on Friday, August 26, at 7:00 p.m. The Oklahoma Garden Tractor Pulling Association is responsible for years of tractor pulling that is a staple at the Payne County Fair.
Ten-year-old Rebecca Sample from New Jersey takes her “Black Widow” down the track. Eight-year-old Greyson Stover of Pennsylvania in his “Punisher.” Five-year-old Kerry Carson of Akron d
The Grain Craft flour mill at Pendleton, Oregon, US, was severely damaged by a fire on Aug. 10. Photo credit: Pendleton Professional Firefighters Local 2296 Facebook page.
PENDLETON, OREGON, US — Severe damage has been sustained at the Pendleton, Oregon, US, flour mill of Grain Craft a
In mid-August, a massive fire swept through a 100-year-old flour mill in Pendleton. The Pendleton Fire Department evacuated the mill without incident, but officials say the building is a total loss. That’s halted production at the Grain Craft Pendleton Flour Mill, a central piece of the regi
The new Brandt DXT Series dual-auger GrainCarts have fast unload speeds and large carrying capacities.
The DXT GrainCart is offered in a range of models from 1,150 to 2,500 bushel capacity. With unloading speeds up to 1,000 bushels per minute, the cart can be fully unloaded in as
A combine harvester is seen as it harvests soybeans in Deerfield, Ohio, U.S., October 7, 2021. Picture taken with a drone. Picture taken October 7, 2021. REUTERS/Dane Rhys - RC225Q9SXZBI
NAPERVILLE, Ill., May 26 (Reuters) - Cool and wet weather this spring have caused U.S. farmers to pl