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New Jersey, United States – Smart Farming Machine Market report focused on the comprehensive analysis of current and future prospects of the Smart Farming Machine industry. The report includes the upcoming challenges and opportunities in the market. It
By oht_editor | on August 17, 2019
Last summer at age 85 and after 14 Davis Brothers Farm Fests, Jim Davis reluctantly decided to hand the reins of the event over to someone else. But he’s expected to come back for the 15t
Editor’s Note: This is an edited excerpt from the book “Grow More Food: A Vegetable Gardener’s Guide to Getting the Biggest Harvest Possible From a Space of Any Size,” by GROW contributor Colin McCrate and Brad Halm, former CSA growers and current owners of the Seattle
In the Garden is sponsored by ProPeat, which is dedicated to delivering solutions for any of your professional fertilization needs. Whether you need to reduce the harm to soils and the environment, or you're interested in the latest nitrogen, carbon and biochemical technologies, ProPeat is the
The year before last our daughter Cameo gave me a dozen asparagus roots to plant for Father’s Day. I had the perfect garden plot to put them in, the bottom 2-foot deep terrace of a three-terraced perennial flower garden from where I had moved about 50 mixed perennials to a 10x50-foot rectang
- May. 19th 2022 11:41 am PT
Are you still using a gas-powered lawn mower? Well, it’s time to change that and kick that bad habit to the curb. Right now you can pick up EGO’s 56V 21-inch self-propelled lawn mower for $549. The bundle includes the mow
Dayton, Va.May 17, 2022Report Supplied by Auction
Lettuce: Crisper Case: 6.00-18.00; Bulk: 5.00.
Onions: 0.30-0.95 bunch; Shipped In: 11.00.
Large Cantaloupe (shipped in): 3.60-3.80.
Seedless Watermelon (shipped in): Lge/Med; 5.25-5.50; Small: 6.25.
Tomatoes: Larg
Keep garden-fresh tomatoes close at hand this season by growing one or more in containers on your patio, balcony or front steps.
Any tomato can be grown in a pot, but determinate varieties are smaller and more compact, so they are a bit easier to manage in a container. They produce fruit
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The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, 866-366-3723, uses a risk-based inspection reporting process for restaurants and other food handlers.
Dan’s BBQ MFF3, 146 Hess Road, Quarryville, April 30. Pass. No violations.
<For folks who want to grow even older, a recent Penn State University study demonstrates that eating foods processed from crops grown in no-tilled soils may play a key role in long-term human health.
The study demonstrates that intensive tillage may significantly reduce the availability