For the last few years, Monarch Tractor, maker of a fully electric, driver-optional smart tractor, has been working closely with California Division of Occupational Safety and Health to amend Title 8, Section 3441(b) to clarify the use of driver-optional tractors without a human operator stati
Mason Ellingsworth poses on a tractor. The Chester County teen, known for his love of agriculture and sports, was severely injured in a June 1 accident.
An aerial view of the accident shows the tractor that Mason Ellingsworth was in and the cranes that assisted at the scene on June 1.
PRINCETON – OSF HealthCare Saint Clare Medical Center has recognized their 2022 DAISY Award winner, Lorena Jaramillo, RN, of DePue. Lorena is a registered nurse in the Inpatient Unit. She was recognized for the extraordinary […]
OGLESBY – The Illinois Valley Community Colle
New Jersey, United States – The Wheel Trenchers Market research report examines the market in precise detail during the anticipated period. The research is divided into sections, each of which includes a market trend and change analysis. Drivers, limits, possibilities, and hurd
New Jersey, United States – The Wheel Trenchers Market research report examines the market in precise detail during the anticipated period. The research is divided into sections, each of which includes a market trend and change analysis. Drivers, limits, possibilities, and hurd
On a recent Friday, bizarre things were happening at Briarcliff Middle School: science teacher Julie Gallagher joined principal Susan Howard to teach baking, Spanish teacher Johanna Foster taught dancing, and math teacher Austin Perry led a hike outdoors.
This was all part of Wellness Da
Standing in a vast clearcut in British Columbia feels strangely dystopian. It’s quiet. There are no leaves to rustle, no bushes for animals to hide behind. The sun beats down and, you soon discover, there are no trees for shade.
Slash piles are your landmarks now — those mountains of
Standing in a vast clearcut in British Columbia feels strangely dystopian. It’s quiet. There are no leaves to rustle, no bushes for animals to hide behind. The sun beats down and, you soon discover, there are no trees for shade.
Slash piles are your landmarks now — those mountains of
‘Satan’s Little Helper’ Coming to Blu-ray Uncut for the Very First Time
‘Good Madam’ Trailer – South African Movie Brings Social Horror to Shudder in July
Nicole Kidman Starring in Hitchcockian Thriller ‘Holland, Michigan’ from ‘
Paradise, Pa.June 10, 2022Report Supplied by USDA
Buyer demand was moderate on a moderate supply for the feeder sale. Buyer attendance was moderate. Supply included: 100% Feeder Cattle (34% Steers, 1% Dairy Steers, 33% Heifers, 30% Bulls, 2% Dairy Heifers). Feeder cattle supply over 600